Saturday 4 February 2012

2 Weeks To Go Go!

OK, so there are no obvious signs yet that Baby Pod is planning his arrival into the world, but I have been feeling a lot more emotional than normal (ahem!) and VERY uncomfortable. Add to this the fact that I just cannot sleep in any sort of normal position any longer and Baby Pod's birth day cannot come any quicker - thank you, please.

I have also ballooned in size over the past week and my bump is getting in the way of everything - doors, people, eating my dinner, the cat sitting on my lap. I must look quite amusing, but you can decide for your selves!

I was booked in for my pre-mummy massage yesterday, at in Eastern Green, Coventry. I never had one with Jack and I have heard that they can trigger labour. It was a lovely hour of relaxation, beginning with a back massage on the upper back which is carried out while you lie on your side(very important for pregnant mummies not to lie on their tummies)! The lovely Sarah (owner & therapist) then goes on to some reflexology which is brilliant if you have horrid, puffy feet like me, followed by a leg massage and bump massage if you wish. I opted just for the top of my bump to be massaged with some non perfumed oil (also important for pregnant mummies) and Baby Pod seemed to enjoy it too! Sarah then finishes off with either a head massage or reiki. I chose reiki and although I could have snoozed off, I definitely left feeling re energised and positive. I did sleep better than most nights and my legs really benefited from it. I would recommend a visit to Sarah or her team for any ailment or illness, or even just an hour of pampering and relaxation.
The Healthy Practice is a hidden gem in Coventry and I'm so glad I discovered it just over a year ago!

Over 24 hours since the massage and there is no further developments, so we shall have to wait and see!

Yours truly,

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Let The Countdown Begin!

Hooray! (I think...) I am in the final stages of my pregnancy. I have 3 weeks left and counting, as it really does feel like I have been pregnant forever. I am expecting my 2nd son on February 15th 2012, but as his brother  - Jack was a week early, I'm hoping that it may be sooner.

It has been a roller coaster of emotions with this pregnancy. We found out Baby Pod was due shortly after my father-in-law passed away suddenly in May last year and then a lot of bleeding in the early weeks of the pregnancy. I think it will be such a relief for everyone when Baby Pod makes his appearance.

One of the things I am looking forward to most is Jack meeting his little brother for the first time. As an "only child" I was determined that I would always have more than one. I don't think it has done me too much harm, but I think the bond between siblings is always visible and is something I have never been able to experience. I cannot wait to see Jack's little face when he finally meets his brother, the 9 months must seem like such a long time to him that if he couldn't see my tummy growing ever bigger he would doubt if there was actually a baby at all.

So every Wednesday from now until the birth I will report on my progress. I never kept anything other than a mental record of my pregnancy and birth with Jack and it will be lovely to look back at in years to come.

I feel that my current status has reached the beach whale stage and even though I tried to ignore the tingling in my feet last night, I woke up this morning to swollen puffy feet and "cankles"! "At least you can hide them in the winter", everyone says. True, but it is the biggest effort ever to get a pair of boots on in the morning for the school run, especially when you're in a hurry, which is every morning. Who knows what it will be like when I have Baby Pod to get ready too, think I will have to get up at 5am, but thinking about I probably will be up then away!! So, swollen "cankles" and then hot flushes seen me opening windows and wafting myself with bits of paper, whilst Jack and the kitten looked at me like I was a mad woman. I mean it is January and hardly tropical, so is this the start of things beginning to happen for the preparation of labour? I sort of hope so, but if I think about it too carefully I get a bit panicky. Jack came pretty quickly and without any complications, so hoping for more of the same this time, but think it is worse when you know what to expect. Ignorance is bliss as they say!

We will see, I've managed to take a photo so you can see Baby Pod, but always struggle with self photos so apologies for the fuzziness.

Monday 23 January 2012

Poorly Sick House

It is a shame that my opening blog entry has to start with reports of illness and pain, but it has been a weekend of moaning and medicine in the Podmore Home.

It all started with Tallulah the kitten's trip to the vet on Friday to have a little operation to ensure there would be no more kittens flooding our already overcrowded maisonette.
Tallulah returned home on Friday in a big, confused haze with her cone of shame around her neck. It has been quite terrible for her - struggling to eat and clean herself with supervised cone free moments, before she decides to start clawing at her stitches. It is another trip to the vet this evening to check on her stitches and then another week of cone misery before she has the stitches removed next week!!! How are we all going to cope??

Jack - my 4.5 year old has also been suffering with a cold which has seen him dosed up with Calpol and looking really quite poorly. Jack is handling it in his usual way of just trying to get on with it. I even offered him the option of staying at home this morning instead of going to school, but he refused and has got through the day. However, with even his teacher remarking that he definitely wasn't himself today I think we can safely say he is a poorly boy! Add to the fact he has just told me his tummy is called Tommy and that is why it keeps making noises, I think an early night is needed by all!